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Spark Central DX Site Review

Donor Experience (DX) Site Review for Spark Central (http://spark-central.org/). Spark Central has a modern site that leaves a lot of storytelling opportunities on the table by being a little overly sparse and burying the most compelling content deep in subpages of the site. In this review, I go over all the ways Spark Central could make their website experience more engaging and compelling for donors, which would inspire more donations.


Communities in Schools Washington DX Site Review

Donor Experience (DX) site review of Communities in Schools Washington (https://ciswa.org/). Site review (video and text) goes over the things Communities in Schools Washington is doing right, even with a dated design (e.g. their clear statement of what they do and the high-level impact they create), as well as some areas of improvement (better cross-linking across the site, an improved online donation form, and if at all possible, the addition of video for their personal stories). Overall, a pretty good site that could not only benefit from some modernization but also better integration of all of the site elements (and an enhanced online donation experience).


Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition DX Site Review

Donor Experience (DX) site review of Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition (http://wildliferecreation.org/). Site review (video and text) goes over the things Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition is doing right (e.g. their beautiful site design and photography), as well as some areas of improvement (more direct communication, summaries of impacts, etc.). Overall, a fantastically beautiful site that could be enhanced to be a great communication and inspiration tool.


Homeboy Industries DX Site Review

Donor Experience (DX) site review of Homeboy Industries (http://homeboyindustries.org/). Site review (video and text) goes over the (many) things Homeboy is doing right, as well as some small areas of improvement. Overall, a fantastically well-done site that can really show others lots and lots of ways how to do online donor experience right.


Learn More About DX Lab’s Services

Donor Experience Consulting by DX Labs

We do a “deep dive” on your organization’s Donor Experience (DX), helping you overhaul and optimize every touchpoint between your organization and your donors. We help you build deeper relationships with your donors, allowing them to get more engaged and involved in your organization.

Donor Experience Site Reviews by DX Labs

We review your website and give you solid, practical tips and advice on how to improve the experience for your donors. We include video walk-throughs, write-ups, and prototypes to make implementation easy.


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Spokane, WA 99224

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We'd love to help your organization engage more deeply with your donors.

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We craft delightful giving experiences, which helps both organizations and the causes they serve.

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