Donor Experience (DX) Site Reviews

Tuning Nonprofit Websites for Maximum Good

DX Site Reviews: Is Your Website Doing All That It Could?

We can do more.
We have the technology.

For most organizations these days, the web is a major channel for both communication and fundraising. The question is, is your website doing all that it could? Is it inspiring your donors to chip in and help? Is it painting a picture of cooperative involvement with your donors? Is it showing the deltas that your organization creates, both for the populations you serve and your donors? These are just some of the areas where a Donor Experience (DX) Site Review can help.

The web is its own communication medium and we help your organization tune your website for maximum benefit, for all involved. We help your organization paint a clear, compelling picture for your donors. We help you go beyond just informing your donors. We help you inspire your donors, inspiring them to take action with you.

Our Donor Experience (DX) Site Reviews give your organization a thorough analysis (both written and video), full of practical, actionable tips and guidance to help improve the donor experience on your site. We offer organizations easily understandable things they can do to directly impact not only their bottom line but also the quality of relationships they have with their donors.

Interested in Having Your Site Reviewed?

Order a DX Site Review and receive clear, actionable instructions on how to improve the donor experience on your site. Clients often see increases of between 50%-100% (sometimes much more) in overall donation amounts by following our advice.

For $249 (per site) you will receive a detailed walk-through video going over all the ways you can improve your site’s donation process (these videos are often 30 minutes long). For $150 more you will also receive a thorough text write-up, suitable for sharing with your board or other stakeholders.

Latest DX Site Review

Spark Central

Spark Central

Donor Experience (DX) Site Review for Spark Central ( Spark Central has a modern site that leaves a lot of storytelling opportunities on the table by being a little overly sparse and burying the most compelling content deep in subpages of the site. In this review, I go over all the ways Spark Central could make their website experience more engaging and compelling for donors, which would inspire more donations.

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More DX Site Reviews

Communities in Schools Washington

Communities in Schools Washington

Donor Experience (DX) site review of Communities in Schools Washington ( Site review (video and text) goes over the things Communities in Schools Washington is doing right, even with a dated design (e.g. their clear statement of what they do and the high-level impact they create), as well as some areas of improvement (better cross-linking across the site, an improved online donation form, and if at all possible, the addition of video for their personal stories). Overall, a pretty good site that could not only benefit from some modernization but also better integration of all of the site elements (and an enhanced online donation experience).

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Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition

Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition

Donor Experience (DX) site review of Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition ( Site review (video and text) goes over the things Washington Wildlife & Recreation Coalition is doing right (e.g. their beautiful site design and photography), as well as some areas of improvement (more direct communication, summaries of impacts, etc.). Overall, a fantastically beautiful site that could be enhanced to be a great communication and inspiration tool.

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Homeboy Industries

Homeboy Industries

Donor Experience (DX) site review of Homeboy Industries. Site review (video and text) goes over the (many) things Homeboy is doing right, as well as some small areas of improvement. Overall, a fantastically well-done site that can really show others lots and lots of way how to do online donor experience right.

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Upfront and clear.

Donor Experience (DX) Site Review


Per Website

A full review of your site's donor experience with a write-up and video walk-through. Gives you practical, do-able improvements to make your site's donor experience better. $249 for video-only and $399 for video + detailed write-up.

Donor Experience (DX) Consulting


Pricing Varies by Scope of Project

A thorough review of your donors' entire experience with your organization, including all interactions and relationship building opportunities.


Frequently asked questions

If I buy a site review, what happens next?

Once you have ordered your site review we will schedule the work on our end and give you an ETA. Typically, these can be completed within 2-3 business days. We'll be up-front with you and communicate exactly what you can expect.

Once the review is complete we will email the files to you (usually in the form of a write-up and walkthrough video).

What is included with DX Consulting?

In a word, everything. We review everything related to the donor experience of your organization. We review every interaction; including newsletters, websites, volunteering, social media, in-person tours, and live events. We provide an exhaustive review of all of the ways you are interacting with your donors, offering detailed strategies and advice on how to improve the entire donor experience of our organization.

Will my site review be featured on your site?

One of the service options (on the purchase page) is whether or not you would like your site review to be made public. If you make a mistake with this setting, just drop us a note.

A quick word about these reviews, if we may. Although it may seem like this is secret proprietary information, that's not really the case. Instead, we would really like you to consider making your review public for the simple reason that sharing good advice helps everyone. More charitable giving tends to lead to more charitable giving, and we want to be able to provide these site reviews to the entire nonprofit industry so that we can all learn from each other.

Is this work done remotely or do you come in-person?

Site reviews, due to their time/budget constraints are always done remotely. DX Consulting can go either way. Often, this is done remotely, which keeps the cost/timeline down. For some projects, though, that would uniquely benefit from in-person interaction, we are glad to send one of our experts to work with your staff on-site.

If there is travel necessary on your project we will communicate this up-front. Additionally, we will work with your team to schedule the engagement well ahead of time to ensure availability of all necessary staff and resources.

Is there a money-back guarantee with your service?

We don't want anyone to be unhappy, but obviously, we cannot "return" the time we spend working on projects. If you are unhappy, please contact us and let's talk about how to make things right.

We think we give really good advice, which often provides an amazing, overwhelming value to organizations. If this isn't the case, let us work with you to figure out how we can provide work that benefits your organization better.

What's your favorite color?


What can I expect to come from this work?

Of course, individual results are individual, but we are proud of the results we create for organizations. For site reviews, clients often see increases of 50%-100% (sometimes MUCH higher, we've seen increases of 600%) in their monthly online donations. For many organizations, that $500 investment ends up paying for itself in the first 30-60 days (or less).

For DX Consulting, the numbers are similar. We aim to provide 10X value with our work. That is, over the lifetime of our work's impact we want to see it payback ten times the amount invested. We call this "The 10X Rule" and it guides all of the work we do.

But, it's more than just raising more money. To us, raising more money is simply an indicator of better relationships. We help organizations form and maintain better relationships with their donors, which helps everyone.


Customer Service

3023 W 22nd Avenue
Spokane, WA 99224

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We'd love to help your organization engage more deeply with your donors.

dx labs 

We craft delightful giving experiences, which helps both organizations and the causes they serve.

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